The MTL redundant Fieldbus barriers are field-mounted wiring hubs that create up to six intrinsically safe spur connections from a high-energy trunk, for connection to suitably certified Foundation fieldbus H1 instruments. They may be installed in Zone 1 (gas) or Zone 21 (dust) hazardous areas, with the trunk wiring implemented using suitably protected cable and increased safety (Ex e) connection facilities.
Each enclosure system uses duplicated Fieldbus barrier modules in a redundant configuration to achieve significantly higher system availability than equivalent ‘simplex’ units. The 9372-FB may therefore be selected for critical process applications where failure of the Fieldbus barrier would otherwise result in unacceptable downtime or lost production. It is also ideal for use in Fieldbus Safety Instrumented Function (SIF) networks in which nuisance trips cannot be tolerated. Failure notification to the host control system is provided by means of an integrated Foundation fieldbus device with Digital Input Function Block capability.
Model No.