PIE 数字压力模块


PIE 数字压力模块

从 32 种不同的数字压力模块中进行选择,这些模块只需通过通信电缆连接到您的 PIE 820Elite、PIE 830 或 PIE 850 校准器。软件预装在您的 PIE 校准器上,因此您可以随时将压力模块添加到您的工具箱中。连接到校准器后会自动检测压力模块。

  • 用于差分、仪表、绝对值和复合应用的模块
  • 范围从 0-2000 英寸水柱到 3000 PSI
  • 隔离和非隔离选项。用于与流体兼容的 316L SS 的隔离传感器。非隔离传感器,仅适用于清洁、干燥、非腐蚀性气体(黄铜、316L SS、氟橡胶、硅胶)
  • 精确到满量程的 ±0.025%(所有型号),除了 DN0010 是满量程的 ±0.05%。精度规格包括 -20 至 50 摄氏度的所有温度影响。
  • 32个可选择的工程压力单位
  • 安装在橡胶保护套中
  • 提供 3 个袖珍手提箱,可容纳校准器、压力模块和测试导线。

PIE AI1000 0-1000 PSIA/69 bar Absolute, Isolated
PIE AI0017 0-17 PSIA/1.2 bar Absolute, Isolated
PIE AI0038 0-38 PSIA/2.6 bar Absolute, Isolated
PIE AI0100 0-100 PSIA/6.9 bar Absolute, Isolated
PIE CI0015 14.7 PSIG/1 bar to +15 PSIG/1 bar Compound, Isolated
PIE CI0030 14.7 PSIG/1 bar to +30 PSIG/2 bar Compound, Isolated
PIE CI0050 14.7 PSIG/1 bar to +50 PSIG/3.4 bar Compound, Isolated
PIE CI0100 14.7 PSIG/1 bar to +100 PSIG/6.9 bar Compound, Isolated
PIE CI0300 14.7 PSIG/1 bar to +300 PSIG/20.7 bar Compound, Isolated
PIE CI0500 14.7 PSIG/1 bar to +500 PSIG/34.5 bar Compound, Isolated
PIE CI1000 14.7 PSIG/1 bar to +1000 PSIG/69 bar Compound, Isolated
PIE CI3000 14.7 PSIG/1 bar to +3000 PSIG/206.8 bar Compound, Isolated
PIE DI0001 0-1 PSI/68.9 mbar Differential, Isolated
PIE DI0005 0-5 PSI/344.7 mbar Differential, Isolated
PIE DI0015 0-15 PSI/1 bar Differential, Isolated
PIE DI0030 0-30 PSI/2 bar Differential, Isolated
PIE DI0100 0-100 PSI/6.9 bar Differential, Isolated
PIE DI0300 0-300 PSI/20.7 bar Differential, Isolated
PIE DI0500 0-500 PSI/34.5 bar Differential, Isolated
PIE DN0010 0-10 inch /24.9 mbar H2O Differential, Non Isolated
PIE DN0028 0-28 inch /69.7 mbar H2O Differential, Non Isolated
PIE DN0200 0-200 inch /498 mbar H2O Differential, Non Isolated
PIE DN0415 0-415 inch /1 bar H2O Differential, Non Isolated
PIE DN2000 0-2000 inch /5 bar H2O Differential, Non Isolated
PIE GI0015 0 to 15 PSI/1 bar Gauge, Isolated
PIE GI0030 0 to 30 PSI/2 bar Gauge, Isolated
PIE GI0050 0 to 50 PSI/3.4 bar Gauge, Isolated
PIE GI0100 0 to 100 PSI/6.9 bar Gauge, Isolated
PIE GI0300 0 to 300 PSI/20.7 bar Gauge, Isolated
PIE GI0500 0 to 500 PSI/34.5 bar Gauge, Isolated
PIE GI1000 0 to 1000 PSI/69 bar Gauge, Isolated
PIE GI3000 0 to 3000 PSI/206.8 bar Gauge, Isolated